GeoPfad Korbach



21.37 km long
round trip
Difficulty: easy
condition: medium
Great panorama
nature trail
  • 06:00 h
  • 290 m
  • 290 m
  • 332 m
  • 557 m
  • 225 m
  • 21.37 km
  • Start: Parking lot Korbacher Spalte
  • Destination: Parking lot Korbacher Spalte
On the GeoPfad Korbach, you can follow the traces of Earth's history. Experience how the present-day landscape has evolved - 350 million years of landscape history come to life!

Discover karst phenomena on the Korbacher Hochfläche. Hike through the remains of medieval mining. Seek out orchids and rare dry grassland plants. Learn fascinating facts about the ice ages around Korbach. Learn to read the fingerprints that humans have left on the landscape. Once you've learned to read the traces of Earth's history, you'll never experience a boring walk again!

A companion brochure with a wealth of information and illustrations is available at the Korbach Tourist Information office.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


The GeoPfad Korbach is a circular route of about 20 km in length, connecting the Korbacher Spalte with the Eisenberg near Goldhausen. The Eisenberg is Germany's largest gold deposit and features a visitor mine and the Goldspur educational trail. The trail mainly follows field and forest paths, with narrow nature trails in the "Schanzenberg" nature reserve (please stay on the designated paths). Note that the route may not be suitable for cyclists in all sections.
For the exact route of the GeoPfad and explanations of the individual stopping points, you can refer to a companion brochure. It is available at the Korbach Tourist Information (Tel. 05631/53 232, and the Wolfgang-Bonhage-MUSEUM KORBACH (Tel. 05631/53 289,

Tour information

  • Loop Road

  • Nature Highlight

Directions & Parking facilities

At the southern outskirts of Korbach,
Frankenberger Landstraße 22 (above the Kalkturm),
34497 Korbach.




Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 17
34117 Kassel

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