Love, Peace and Happiness


various sights
On the wall of the building materials store, KolorCubes painted it back in 2008 with friendly colours, geometric shapes and asymmetric lines that create an all-round coherent image.
Positive spirit

In the Schillerviertel, an open-air gallery for street art is gradually being created on the initiative of the KolorCubes association. Many owners join in and have walls designed. In 2008, KolorCubes embellished this exterior wall on behalf of a building materials store. The wall was partially covered with illegal tags. This is what the signature abbreviations are called in the sprayer scene. For some, such tags are damage to property and graffiti, for others a kind of territorial marking. The abstract painting "Love, Peace and Happiness" by KolorCubes now brings a positive spirit to the neighbourhood. Friendly pastel colours, geometric shapes and asymmetric lines create a rhythmic composition. In between, graphic ornaments and contrasting colours enliven the surface.

The artwork is part of the project "Public Art Gallery" by KolorCubes.

It is also included in the audio tour "Streetart in Kassel" on izi.Travel. The tour was made possible by the cdw Foundation

Good to know



Getting there

Love, Peace and Happiness
Wolfhager Straße 58
34127 Kassel