Hall of Fame


various sights
Various sprayers have immortalised themselves on the 300-metre-long wall in Liebigstraße. Insiders do not speak of sprayers with these works but of writers, as the image content consists of artistic writing.
300 metres of graffiti-style wall space

A Hall of Fame is a public place where experienced sprayers can implement high-quality graffiti. Often over several days. The content of the picture is usually an artistic lettering. The insider therefore does not speak of sprayers, but of writers. There are six such halls in Kassel, whose legalisation was fought for with great difficulty. The best known and largest is in Giesenallee under the motorway bridge. The Liebigstraße Hall of Fame is located directly at the Nordstadtpark near the university and is very popular. There is always something new to discover on the 300 metres of wall space. Only free works in graffiti style are created here. There are unwritten laws in the graffiti scene. Here you should already have something going for you when you get going and respect the "pieces" of other sprayers appropriately.

This artwork is also included in the audio tour "Streetart in Kassel" on izi.Travel. The tour was made possible by the cdw Foundation

Good to know



Getting there

Hall of Fame
Liebigstraße 4
34125 Kassel