All of us (streetart)


various sights
Visible from afar, Annika Joachim and Sabine Boger have left their message on the lift tower of the student house. Seven hands convey the message we all, which was already created there in 2018.
Seven hands and their message

When the university was expanded, the old brick buildings on the North Campus were also renovated. This is where the student house was built. Even from a distance, the drawing high up on the lift tower stands out. Like a lighthouse sending signals across the campus. WE ALL, has been written there in sign language since 2018. Seven hands spell out the words with the finger alphabet. Underneath, you will discover many transparent faces drawn from a single line, expressing their connectedness. The design was created by the students Annika Joachim and Sabine Boger from the Kunsthochschule Kassel.

The Studierendenhaus is, among other things, the seat of the General Student Council AStA and a free space for student groups and initiatives. It also includes event rooms and a repair café.

The artwork is part of the project "Public Art Gallery" by KolorCubes.

It is also included in the audio tour "Streetart in Kassel- North" on izi.Travel. The tour was made possible by the cdw Foundation

Good to know



Getting there

All of us (streetart)
34127 Kassel