The second mural of the CHAPO - Great Art in Wesertor project was implemented in June 2021 by artist Kristina Bondarev and is located on the opposite side of the apartment block designed by ARMAH. The work shows three beetles in bright hues on a colourful background of leaves. Only at second glance does one notice that there is a human eye on the beetles' backs. With this, the artist wants to open up a new view of the surrounding district: "If you look at the façade from the Möncheberg, the view is actually very close to nature. You can see a lot of the horizon and above all a lot of greenery through the park in front of it."
Kristina Bondarev was born in Kazakhstan in 1991 and moved to Kassel in 2000. She is a second-year student of liberal arts at the Kunsthochschule Kassel and teaches art at a Kassel school.
- With the artistic support of Marcel de Medeiros / Urbane Experimente e. V. and in cooperation with the GWG.
- The artwork is part of the project CHAPO - Great Art in the Wesertor