Craving for you


various sights
What do longings and addiction look like? The artist duo Teresa Linhard and Robin Kowalewsky have explored this question and left an eye-catcher on an inconspicuous gable wall in Erzbergerstraße.
Story of Eternal Desire

The inconspicuous gable wall of the multi-storey house has become an eye-catcher. The huge drawing by Robin Kowalewsky in collaboration with Teresa Linhard tells us a story about eternal desire. About longings and addictions. The artist duo sees it as a commentary critical of consumption. Greed is our constant companion and takes its toll - like the small voracious creature on the wall of the house. Every day we develop new desires that we long to fulfil and yet we do not feel free.

The illustrative and whimsical mashup style of the painting is also found in other works by Robin Kowalewsky. Ancient patterns of the Aztecs, ancient cultures and voodoo flow into it.

The KolorCubes association had invited the artist duo to Kassel in 2017 to expand the Public Art Gallery.

The artwork is part of the project "Public Art Gallery" by KolorCubes.

It is also included in the audio tour "Streetart in Kassel" on izi.Travel. The tour was made possible by the cdw Foundation

Good to know



Getting there

Craving for you
Erzbergerstraße 25
34117 Kassel