Bouncy game (graffiti project)


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With her graffiti project, artist Jea Yun Lee depicts a traditional hopscotch game that is known across cultures.
A traditional children's game in many cultures

The artist knows the game Heaven and Hell from her childhood in South Korea under the name Heaven and Earth (Sambangchigi). Despite the different names, the concept is the same: a playing field is drawn on the floor into which the children throw a stone, which is then to be picked up again with a single jump.

For the artist, the name of the game is particularly interesting. It is a name that contains the whole world. In a drawn room, children jump around imagining the whole universe - from heaven to earth.

On the graffiti, which was created back in 2017, two children are depicted playing the game. The children do not have faces, as they are symbolic of all children. One child goes ahead while the other comes back. The cycle of space and time thus depicted is connected to the thread game lying next to it.

In addition to the hopscotch game and the thread game, there is another work by the artist in the immediate vicinity. The Wooden Blocks Game is only a few metres away.

Good to know



Getting there

Bouncy game (graffiti project)
Erzbergerstraße 57
34117 Kassel