Shopping im Quartier Bad Wilhelmshöhe


books and stationery
Strolling in the spa district of Bad Wilhelmshöhe
In addition to its range of medical services and relaxing natural landscapes, the Bad Wilhelmshöhe district also offers a variety of owner-managed shops that are a great place to browse and shop. Here you can shop in style, feast in style and relax to your heart's content. Many small specialist shops around the Galerie Atrium and the City-Center invite you to stroll and shop in the soothing atmosphere at the foot of the Hercules.

In addition, many of these shops are open every first Sunday of the month from 1 to 5 pm. A wide variety of gastronomy in the spa district then invites you to enjoy with all your senses.

In Kassel Wilhelmshöhe - the city's spa district - the City Center and the Atrium invite you to stroll and shop. 

City Center Wilhelmshöhe (

Atrium : Shopping with pleasure (




Shopping im Quartier Bad Wilhelmshöhe

Wilhelmshöher Allee
34131 Kassel - Bad Wilhelmshöhe

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