Medieval fortifications with a double city wall - Mittelalterliche Befestigungsanlagen mit doppeltem Stadtmauerring


historical city centre

Between the Walls

Experience an entertaining tour through the over 1000-year history of the Hanseatic city of Korbach.

We are in the year 1414. On the day before Ascension Day, which is May 16th, the citizens of Korbach have reason to celebrate a special event: After decades of work, the city fortifications have finally been completed!

After the merger of the Old Town and New Town in 1377, it was decided to secure both cities, which were already surrounded by their own walls, with a second, shared wall. This gave rise to the double city wall. Between the walls, there were ramparts and moats. The inner wall was defended by a parapet walk, and the outer wall had remaining arrow slits. Numerous towers, some of which are still preserved today, served as defensive bastions for the resilient citizens. The city could be entered or exited through five gates.

The double city wall, together with the two Gothic hall churches, the stone warehouses of the Hanseatic merchants with their characteristic stepped gables, and the historical town hall from 1377 with the Roland figure, are among the best-preserved witnesses of the medieval city. However, the interactive historical city tour "Between the Walls" is something new. As the name suggests, the 2.1 km long route leads around the historical Old Town between the two medieval city walls. The starting point is right at the Wolfgang-Bonhage-MUSEUM KORBACH. At 10 stations, visitors will learn interesting and curious facts from the city's history and discover the many modern facets of Korbach. If a break is needed in between, numerous cafes and restaurants in the Old Town invite you to linger.

For even more stories from Korbach, there is the interactive app "Schatzsuche" (Treasure Hunt) by GrimmHeimat NordHessen (available for Android and iOS). For each station on the "Between the Walls" tour, the app provides additional information, fairy tales, and legends from the city's history, as well as a riddle question to answer. If all questions are answered correctly, there is a small surprise at the Tourist Information.

How it works: Visit There you can download the free app "Schatzsuche in der Heimat der Brüder Grimm" (Treasure Hunt in the Home of the Brothers Grimm) for your smartphone or tablet. You can find the "Between the Walls" tour in the app under the "Events" section.

Good to know

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Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 17
34117 Kassel


Getting there
Medieval fortifications with a double city wall - Mittelalterliche Befestigungsanlagen mit doppeltem Stadtmauerring
Prof.-Bier-Str. 15
34497 Korbach