Location has been disabled. Location sharing is required to view local results around your location. To use it, you must enable the permission to access the location in the browser settings.
Location has been disabled. Location sharing is required to view local results around your location. To use it, you must share the permission to access the location. To do this, click the lock icon to the left of the address bar and release the appropriate permission.
Location has been disabled. Location sharing is required to view local results around your location. To use it, you need to share the permission to access the location in your device settings under "Privacy and security -> Location services -> Your used web browser (eg. Safari/Chrome/...)".
Location has been disabled. Location sharing is required to view local results around your location. To use it, you must share the permission to access the location. To do this, click the icon to the left of the address bar and then reload the page.
Location has been disabled. Location sharing is required to view local results around your location. To use it, you must share the permission to access the location. To do this, click the icon to the right of the address bar.
In the GRIMMWELT Kassel, the famous fairy tale collectors and linguists Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm arrive in the present day: Valuable originals, artistic works, multimedia contributions and hands-on activities promise an exciting experience.
The Brothers Grimm's Journey to the Present
Artistic, medial and interactive, the award-winning GRIMMWELT conveys the fascinating life, work and influence of the Brothers Grimm. It is aimed at children and senior citizens, families and school classes, experts and laypeople, art and language enthusiasts as well as fairy tale lovers. Among the most valuable exhibits are the hand copies of the Kinder- und Hausmärchen.