So we see the face of Alfalfa from the black-and-white films "Die kleinen Strolche" (The Little Rascals), which thrilled cinema audiences between 1922 and 1944, at the bottom left of the picture. He marvels at the rider and his horse set in motion, one of the first motifs to excite people at the end of the 19th century through devices such as the zeotrope, the forerunner of cinema. The further we look to the left side of the wall, the more we move in the direction of the cinematic present: here, high-contrast colours determine the action and as the protagonist we encounter a figure that shows how far the medium of film has developed since Alfalfa's time. For today cinemas are places that appeal to their audiences through highly equipped technology and sophisticated services.
The work was realised by Jackules in 2014 together with the Berlin artist "Cany" (civil name: Nils Bieda). The clients were the owners of the building.