Temple of Art


The Kunsttempel in Kassel is a gallery dedicated to the experimental exploration of language in media space verbally, non-verbally and multimodally. This interest encompasses all possible forms of expression in art - literary, pictorial, sonic and performative.

The focus is particularly on intermedial border crossings that cannot be pinned down to one genre. At the exhibitions, flanked by talks, lectures, readings or performances, internationally active artists of different generations meet. The audience is welcomed by a personal salon and studio atmosphere. The Kunsttempel was founded in 1999.

Before that, Werner Kausch, professor at the Kassel Art Academy, ran the "Studio Kausch" here. The building was constructed after the First World War in an ensemble with the Stadthalle and Huttenplatz. The "Literaturhaus Nordhessen" association has also had its office in the temple of art since 2011 and enriches the programme in the building with its own events.

The programme mainly includes cross-border and experimental projects as well as alternative exhibition and event concepts: Less event culture and more a laboratory situation in which humour is also no stranger.

Good to know




Getting there

Temple of Art
Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 177
34119 Kassel