Georg-Viktor Tower PANORAMA - Georg-Viktor-Turm PANORAMA


info point

Experience the landscape around Eisenberg virtually reconstructed - from the coast of the Zechstein Sea 258 million years ago to the heyday of Eisenberg Castle around 1600 AD.

How did our landscape look like 250 million years ago? How were the regional rocks formed, and under what conditions did the famous "Korbach Dachshund" live? What did Eisenberg Castle actually look like in its heyday?

From now on, visitors to the Eisenberg in Korbach-Goldhausen will not only get answers to these and many other questions, but also have a precise and realistic image. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, you can immerse yourself at the Georg-Viktor Tower in Earth's history and its secrets, live on your smartphone or tablet.

Using Augmented Reality (AR), a completely new world opens up, featuring prehistoric seas, long-extinct plants and animals, desert landscapes, and mountain ranges. 250 million years of Earth's history come to life and become tangible as they are integrated into the present-day landscape. The digitally reconstructed Eisenberg Castle can be explored, as well as the changes in climate throughout geological past - and in a possible future during times of climate change.

When can I explore the virtual worlds?

The AR experience of the geological landscape reconstructions from the viewing platform of the Georg-Viktor Tower is accessible between March and October. During the winter months, the tower is closed for safety reasons.

The digitally reconstructed Eisenberg Castle can be experienced on-site at the summit of Eisenberg all year round.

How does it work?

Scan the QR codes found on-site. The web app "Georg-Viktor-Tower PANORAMA" will open, allowing you to immerse yourself in the virtual worlds.

Good to know

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Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 17
34117 Kassel


Getting there

Georg-Viktor Tower PANORAMA - Georg-Viktor-Turm PANORAMA
34497 Korbach