


158.00 km long
Difficulty: medium
condition: difficult
Great panorama
  • 02:00 h
  • 2,940 m
  • 2,940 m
  • 205 m
  • 673 m
  • 468 m
  • 158.00 km
  • Start: Kellerwaldsteig 35110 Frankenau
  • Destination: Kellerwaldsteig Frankenau
The 158-kilometer long Kellerwaldsteig trail connects all the natural beauties of the Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park. Over twelve stages, it leads through quaint twisted forests, meadows, and fields, all the way up to the Kellerwald Tower.
The Kellerwaldsteig, marked in red and white along its main route, spans a length of 167 kilometers, allowing hiking enthusiasts to explore the natural and cultural landscape of the region. Many points of interest related to nature, geology, and history can be found along the hiking trail in the nearly 600 square kilometers large Kellerwald-Edersee Nature Park and the adjacent Kellerwald-Edersee National Park, which extends to the north and south of the Edersee. Diverse fields, forests, and meadows offer ever-changing and surprising views. The Kellerwaldturm (Kellerwald Tower) located on the Wüstegarten, the highest peak in the nature park, provides a panoramic view from its observation platform at 700 meters above sea level, offering stunning vistas beyond the region. Alternative routes (marked in green and white) allow for the division into a northern, southern, and western route.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather


Sturdy footwear and packed meals for the backpack

Directions & Parking facilities

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Prädikat Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland
Langer Qualitätsweg
Ein langer „Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschlands" erfüllt deutschlandweite und transparente Standards für besonders attraktive Wanderwege und verpflichtet sich, Naturschutzbelange sowie die Sicherung der Wegepflege und der Markierungsqualität zu gewährleisten. Er wird von regionalen Experten erfasst und betreut und durchläuft alle 3 Jahre einen Prüfprozess durch den Deutschen Wanderverband.
Mehr Infos:


Nationalparkstadt Waldeck


Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 17
34117 Kassel


Getting there
35110 Frankenau