Fabelweg "Herzberger Ritter"



13.72 km long
round trip
Difficulty: difficult
condition: difficult
Great panorama
  • 04:15 h
  • 320 m
  • 320 m
  • 255 m
  • 490 m
  • 235 m
  • 13.72 km
  • Start: Burg Herzberg or town center Breitenbach am Herzberg
Expansive forests, fields with hedges and field edges, and cozy meadow valleys create a fabulous cross-section of the beautiful and tranquil landscape in the southern Knüll region.

From afar, the Herzberg Castle greets the hiker from its summit. Beautiful views of the Rimberg and other surrounding hills, as well as towards the distant Rhön region, reward those who have climbed the elevation. If you're looking for peace away from the everyday stress, this is the perfect place. Only at the popular castle, frequented by excursionists, does it get a bit more lively. Within the ancient walls of Hesse's largest hilltop castle, one quickly feels transported back to the time of knights. With a bit of luck, on certain festive days, you might even encounter a real knight.

The fairytale trail "Herzberger Ritter" is depicted as Premium Hiking Trail 20 Herzberger Ritter in the overview (Naturpark Knüll flyer).

At the entrance board of the fairytale trail "Herzberger Ritter," you can use the Fabula app of the German Fairytale Route to appear and be enchanted.

Good to know

Best to visit

Depends on weather

Tour information

  • Loop Road

Directions & Parking facilities

NVV: Fahrplanauskunft

More information

Deutsches Wandersiegel Premium Wanderwege
Deutsches Wandersiegel Premium Wanderweg
Premium hiking trails are stretches and circular hiking trails that are excellently marked and have a particularly high experience value. A balanced, beautiful hiking experience is guaranteed on premium hiking trails. Pleasant road surfaces and paths, a selected dramaturgy with great views, beautiful forest pictures, water bodies, rock structures, well-kept resting and resting places, cultural-historical gems and many other variety make the hike on premium hiking trails a special pleasure.




Regionalmanagement Nordhessen GmbH
Ständeplatz 17
34117 Kassel

Social Media


Getting there
Fabelweg "Herzberger Ritter"
36287 Breitenbach am Herzberg