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Vorderer Westen: Stylish and historical.
Discover one of the trendiest neighbourhoods in Kassel – the Vordere Westen!
Beautiful buildings, iconic cafés and restaurants, original concept stores on Friedrich-Ebert-Straße: With this attractive mix, Kassel's Vorderer West has become a trendy trendy district, where you can shop, browse and enjoy to your heart's content. The heart of the district is the Bebelplatz, from which it is only a stone's throw to the Kassel Kongress Palais with its impressive historical facade and the Stadthallengarten behind it. The “green lung” of the district is the Goetheanlage, which is a popular meeting place especially in summer.
Good that you can spoil yourself with delicious snacks in the Vordere West from breakfast to the "Betthupferl". Because on a shopping tour through the many original concept stores along Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, time flies by like a fly! Here you will find what your heart desires – whether cool boxer shorts made of Omis bed linen at Sokis, sustainable products from fashion to art at Wild Wood Gallery & Store, fashionable and precious items at hab selig or ethical fashion at Elsbeth Store. At Stadtliebe you can also stock up on many unusual Kassel products – whether Ahle-Wurscht-Brett or Waschbär-Brotdose. Lots of new favorite shops just waiting to be discovered by you!
The fact that the "Vordere Westen" is one of the most popular residential areas of the documenta city is mainly due to the many well-preserved buildings that you can admire here. With their richly decorated facades, towers and bay windows, they are a real eye-catcher. Especially around the Goethestern you will find some real architectural jewels that you would like to move into immediately. Also worth seeing is the impressive neoclassical portal of the Kassel Stadthalle and the Kongress Palais. By the way, both the district and the Stadthalle can be traced back to the well-known Kassel entrepreneur Sigmund Aschrott. He also created the idyllic Aschrott Park, which you can find in the far west of the district.
So many parks you can find when you explore the Vorderer Westen district. These include the Aschrottpark, the Goetheanlage, the Tannenwäldchen and the Stadthallengarten.
8.300 inhabitants/km²
This is how high the population density per km² is in the beautiful district of Vorderer Westen.
19. century
At the end of the 19th century the construction of the district Vorderer Westen began in the style of the Gründerzeit and Art Nouveau.
photo spot | Vorderer Westen
Lifestyle in pictures. You have so many opportunities to find the perfect photo motif for your travel album in the popular trendy district of Vorderer Westen. How about Goethestern, for example, where magnificent facades can be admired or at the Holy Nosh Deli for a nice dinner.