Kassel Museum Night


The first Saturday in September is one of the highlights of the cultural calendar, because on this day Kassel's museums and exhibition houses open until late at night. This year the programme will be extended until Sunday. So make a note of the weekend of 2/3 September now.
Programme on 2 and 3 September 2023

Since 1999, the first Saturday in September has been one of the highlights of Kassel's cultural calendar, as on this evening the Kassel Museum Night invites visitors to enjoy the arts in the evening.  

Some 50 museums, galleries and cultural institutions ranging from art and history, natural science and technology to literature and music will open their doors with a joint ticket, accompanied by an atmospheric setting around the institutions with light, music and culinary delights.

For the first time, the institutions have also given themselves a common theme for the next four years. Under the motto "Participation", ideas, formats and access points will be offered to open up the opportunity for even more people to discover the exhibitions in Kassel and feel welcome in the museums.

The sponsors are the Department of Culture of the City of Kassel, Hessen Kassel Heritage, documenta und Museum Fridericianum gGmbH and the Museum für Sepulkralkultur.

Good to know



Getting there
Kassel Museum Night
Obere Königsstraße 17
34117 Kassel